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Data Protection Statement

As the operator of the website www.fenxi-tech.com, Hangzhou Fenxi Technology Co., Ltd. (described as 'We' in the rest of the statement), in accordance with the Personal Information Security Specification (described as 'The Specification' in the rest of the statement) of the People's Republic of China (described as 'China' in the rest of the statement) and the General Data Protection Regulations (described as 'GDPR' in the rest of the statement) of the European Union, protects personal data of website users (described as 'You' in the rest of the statement).

We protect your privacy and private data. In accordance with the content of the data protection regulations and the applicable Data Protection Law between China and the European Union, in particular the Specification and the GDPR, The Specification will take precedence over the GDPR in the event of a conflict between theSpecification and GDPR. We collect, process and use your personal data. These data protection provisions specify which personal data we may collect, process and use of your personal data. Therefore, we ask you to read the following carefully.

1. Collection of personal data

1.1 In terms of these data protection regulations, personal data is information about you and your personal property. In particular, your name, your e-mail address, your address, and phone number.

1.2 Personal data also includes information we collect in accordance with the Data Protection Statement about the use of our website. In the case of mere access to website information, this information usually appears in the form of log files and cookies.

2. Purpose

To prevent, detect, investigate fraud, tort, compromise security, illegally or in violation of agreements, policies or rules with the site or affiliated with the site, we may collect or consolidate your account information, service usage information, device information, log information, and information that your affiliates or the partners obtainedby your authorization or the information shard in accordance with the law, and we use your personal data for the following purposes:

2.1 To provide you with services and improve the quality of service through the contact form to process the information you need or inquire about.

2.2The website may process your information or combine it with information from other services to recommend content that may be ofyour interest in order to provide you with a more personalized the services, including but not limited to sending you product and service information, or to display personalized third-party promotional information to you through the system, or to share information with the website partners with your consent in order;

2.3 Sending the newsletter you ordered,inviting you to participate in interactions, such as some meetings.Ensuring that our website is presented to you in the most efficient and interesting way.

2.4 Preventing any website attacks, such as intentional attacks on the technology system, and ensuring the security of the system.

3.  Information, cookies and locations on your computer

3.1 Each time you visit our website, we collect the following information about the computers or other devices you use to access our website: the IP address of your computer or other devices, the content sits and the time of your browser's inquiry. In addition, the status and quantity of the transferred data are recorded as part of the query information. We also collect product and version information for the browser and operating system on your computer. In addition, we will record which website you access to our website. Your computer's IP address is only saved in a short form when you use the website and will then be deleted immediately unless you expressly permit to collect the full IP address. The remaining data will be kept within a certain period of time. We use this data for the operation of the website, especially to detect and eliminate errors in the website, to ensure the use of the website and to adjust and improve.

3.2 In some cases, we also collect information about so-called browser cookies that you use when you visit our website. These small text files are saved for saving specific settings and data carriers for an exchange through your browser and our system. Cookies usually contain the name of the domain in which the cookie data is sent, as well as information about the age of the cookie and the alphanumeric identifier. Cookies enable our system to identify the user's device and immediately provide any presets available. Once the user accesses the platform, the cookie is transmitted to the user's computer hard drive. Cookies help us improve our website and provide you with better and more specialized customized services. They enable us to identify your computer again when you return to our website in order to store information about activities you like on our website, so that our website is in line with your personal preferences. For example, the corresponding advertisement of interest to your individual.

3.3  Speed up your queries.

3.4 The cookies we use only hold the data described above about your use of the website. This is not allocated through your individual but through the cookie identification number (cookie ID). The cookie assigned to you has no connection between the cookie ID and your name, your IP address or similar data.

4. Storage of information

The platform will store the relevant personal information collected in the form of structured data storage and server placement in the People's Republic of China. Your personal information will also be retained only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in the cost policy unless there is a mandatory retention requirement by law. For example, the E-Commerce Law of the People's Republic of China requires that the storage time of information on goods and services and transaction information shall be kept for not less than three years from the date of completion of the transaction, and we will anonymize the user behaviour logs involved in the platform services. The platform's criteria for determining the foregoing period include:

4.1 To complete the transaction purposes related to you, maintain the corresponding transaction and business records, and respond to your inquiries or complaints.

4.2 To ensure the safety and quality of the platform to provide you with services;

4.3 Do you agree to a longer retention period.

4.4 Whether there are other special agreements on the duration of the reservation.

4.5 After your personal information is exceeded for retention, the platform will delete your personal information or anonymize it as required by applicable law (if you are a minor, the platform will process your personal information as required by applicable laws and regulations). If it is not possible to remove it as required due to special circumstances, the platform will explain this part of the matter to you.

5. Send of newsletters

5.1 We send you our service range through our newsletter.

5.2  If you wish to receive such communication, please provide an e-mail address and information that will enable us to verify that you are the owner of the e-mail or that its owner has agreed to receive the communication. No additional information is required. This information is used only to send newsletters and is not passed to third parties.

5.3 Register newsletter on behalf of your consent to keep your IP address and registration date. This information is saved only as proof that a third party unknowingly has been authorized to steal an e-mail address and register to receive a newsletter.

5.4 You may revoke your permission to save data, e-mail addresses and send newsletters at any time. The service@fenxi.de can be revoked by a link in the newsletter or by e-mail address below.

6. Contact form

6.1 Using the contact form, you agree that the contact information you provide and the data that may require feedback are permanently saved.

6.2 You can grant the granted permission at any time for effect in the future by sending an e-mail to service@fenxi.de.

6.3 You can revoke the grant at any time by sending an e-mail to service@fenxi.de.

7. Data security

All information you send us is stored on our servers. However, the information transmitted over the Internet is not guaranteed to be completely secure. Therefore we cannot guarantee the security of the data transmitted over the Internet to our website. However, we use technical and organizational measures to protect our websites and other systems from the loss, destruction, access, alteration or unauthorized dissemination of your data, and we transmit your personal data in encrypted form. We use CODING systems such as SSL (secure socket layer) and TLS (transmission layer security).

8. Share

We do not share your personal information with companies, organizations, and individuals who are not our service providers, except in the following cases:

8.1 Share with express consent: We will share your personal information with others with your express consent.

8.2 Sharing in statutory circumstances: We may share your personal information to the outside world in accordance with laws and regulations, litigation dispute resolution needs, or as required by administrative and judicial authorities in accordance with the law.

8.3 For the distribution of required information materials, we may forward your data to the order data processor. We will carefully select these order data processors and will be contractually obliged to comply with the Technical and Organizational Measures related to the Personal Information Security Specification and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of China and the European Union.

8.4 Sharing with affiliates: Your personal information may be shared with affiliates of the platform in order to facilitate our joint service to you based on an affiliate account, to recommend information that may be of interest to us or to protect the personal and property of our affiliates or other users or the public from infringement. The platform will only share the necessary personal information (e.g. we may share your essential account information with the affiliate to facilitate your use of the website's affiliate products or services), we will ask you for authorization again in the scenarios where we are to share your sensitive information or the affiliate is to modify the use and processing purposes of personal information. You agree to share the necessary information about the Services with affiliates and websites. We will accurately record and store the sharing and transfer of personal information, including the date, size, purpose of the share, transfer, and the basic information of the recipient of the data.

8.5 Share with Authorized Partners: For the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy, some of our services will be provided jointly by the Website and Authorized Partners. We may share some of your personal information with our partners to provide better customer service and user experience. For example, when you purchase products on a website online, we must share your personal information with a logistics service provider to arrange the delivery or arrange for a partner to provide services. We will only share your personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes, and only the personal information needed to provide the Services. Our partners do not have the right to use the personally shared personal data for other purposes that are not related to the product or service.

9. Data protection, third-party websites, as well as social media

9.1 Our website may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites. Please note that if you access these hyperlinks, we are not responsible for third-party content and data. Before you transfer your personal data to these websites, you will be aware of the data prot77ection conditions.

9.2 Our website contains links, but does not contain plug-ins for the following social networks: Weibo, WeChat, Youku, LinkedIn. When using these social networks, their data protection regulations apply.

10.  Changes to the Data Protection Regulation

10.1 We reserve the right to amend the terms of this policy if necessary. You can always check the revised latest version of the policy on this website. If you do not agree to the revised policy, you have the right to terminate your authorization to the website. If you continue to use the site features after this policy is updated, you will be deemed to have accepted the revised policy.

10.2 For material changes, the website will also provide more significant notices (including solicitations through in-app pop-ups, phone calls, text messages, announcements, and even pop-up tips).

10.3 You can find the current version on the website. Please visit our website regularly and keep an eye on effective data protection regulations.

11. Your rights and contact details

You can view your personal data for free at any time and, if necessary, you can request corrections and/or deletions and/or blockage. Please e-mail us at service@fenxi.de for more details. If you have any questions, comments or questions about our collection, processing and use of your personal data, please also contact us by e-mail at the above e-mail address. In addition, you can contact us by:

E-mail: service@fenxi.de

Address:Building 1, Marine International Building, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou,China

12. Application and jurisdiction of the law

12.1 The laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China shall apply to the establishment, entry into force, interpretation, revision, supplement, termination, enforcement and dispute resolution of this policy. If there are no relevant provisions in the law, refer to business practices and/or industry practices.

12.2 The website in consultation with you shall resolve disputes arising out of your use of the Website Services and related to the Website Services. If the negotiation is not possible, either party may bring a suit with the Xihu district People's Court of Hangzhou.

13. Other

13.1 The title of all provisions of this policy is for reading convenience only and is not used as a basis for interpretation or limitation of the meaning of this policy.

13.2 Any provision of this policy shall be deemed to be null and void, invalid or unenforceable and shall be deemed to be separable and does not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this policy.

13.3 This policy may be available in multiple languages, including Chinese and English, where Chinese versions conflict with other language versions, depending on the Chinese version.

13.4 We will also develop specific privacy policies for certain products and services and explain them before providing them to you. If the relevant specific privacy policy is inconsistent with this privacy policy, that particular privacy policy applies.

Fenxi Technology Co.,Ltd


Copyright 2021, All Rights Reserved Hangzhou Fenxi Technology Co., Ltd Copyright 浙ICP备20028556号-1



Address:Headquarters - HP Plaza, Shaoxing, China            Branch - Shipping International Administration Mansion, Hangzhou, China