
Other Standardized Industrial

Software and Hardware

Predictive Maintenance of

General-purpose Equipment

Customized Data Mining

and Analysis Services

Guarding the Full Cycle of

Enterprise Digital Transformation

Applicable to Scenarios Such as 

Energy Storage & Battery Swapping Station

Feasible Energy Saving Solutions for Enterprises

in High Energy Consumption Industries

Interested in this?





Founder Profile

Ding Yong: PhD, serial entrepreneur, electronic information engineer, data scientist


2019          Being named as a young talent ambassador in Hangzhou.


2018          Selected for the Shaoxing City Overseas and Domestic Talents 330 Program; founded Fenxi Technology Co.


2017          Selected for the 1211 Plan for Overseas High-Level Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou; worked for Siemens Energy Management Busines Group as a senior

product and investment manager.


2010-2016  Studied for a PhD in computer science at KIT and managed the Smart Data Innovation Lab of the German Federal Government.


2015          Won the SAP Utility of Tomorrow startup competition in Silicon Valley, USA, as one of the five winning projects; his startup project “Bet and Energy”.


2014          Founded the Qingfan Yuanhang MOOP (Massive Open Online Projects) platform.


2012          Selected for the first German Federal Government IT top management elite academic talent training program Software Campus, as the only non-German selected at that time, received by 

Angela Merkel;


2003          Studied for a Master's degree in Electronic Information Engineering at KIT.


Ding Yong received by Angela Merkel (Photo: Wolfram Scheible - EIT ICT Labs Co., Ltd.)

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Address:Headquarters - HP Plaza, Shaoxing, China            Branch - Shipping International Administration Mansion, Hangzhou, China